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The SouthStar Bank Card Manager app will no longer work starting Tuesday, March 18. Debit card management will be available via the mobile app starting on the 18th.

To learn more about our mobile app, online banking, and more, watch our video tutorials.

Kimberly Watson

Meet your local lender, Kimberly Watson

Kimberly Watson 2022 scaled e1667333751461

Kimberly Watson

Senior Vice President of Lending/Branch Executive
Kimberly Watson is the Senior Vice President of Lending and Branch Executive at SouthStar Bank’s Southwest Austin Branch. Kimberly holds over two decades of financial experience and has been instrumental in growing SouthStar Bank’s mortgage department over the past five years. She is passionate about building strong client relationships, an expert in the mortgage loan process and provides go-to funding solutions to builders, Realtors and their clients. Kimberly specializes in portfolio and secondary market home loans, real estate and construction financing.
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