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Gonzales Chamber of Commerce Banquet

Gonzales Chamber of Commerce Banquet

Members from the SouthStar Bank Gonzales Branch attended the annual Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture Banquet this year. Our team was a sponsor for the event, and had a great time interacting with other Gonzales businesses.

The event included dinner, silent and live auctions, and an awards ceremony to recognize distinguished citizens in the community. Two awards distributed were a Lifetime Award and a Community Service Award. The David B. Walshak lifetime award was presented to Dr. Kenneth Gottwald, a practicing veterinarian since 1980. The Community Service award was presented to Robert Bland who has served as the Come & Take It Committee Chairman for the past three years.

Overall, the banquet is a beautiful event to celebrate the outstanding businesses and individuals of Gonzales. SouthStar Bank is proud to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture.

Click here to learn about the Gonzales Chamber of Commerce Banquet

JB Wells Park Expo Center, CO Rd 197, Gonzales, TX 78629

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