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The SouthStar Bank Card Manager app will no longer work starting Tuesday, March 18. Debit card management will be available via the mobile app starting on the 18th.

To learn more about our mobile app, online banking, and more, watch our video tutorials.

SouthStar Bank Then & Now: 1920

SouthStar Bank Then & Now: 1920

A look back on the Banking Industry 100 years ago.

This year SouthStar Bank is celebrating its 100th anniversary. The Bank opened its doors as The Farmers and Merchants Bank of Moulton in October of 1920. The Bank was located at the present site of Moulton City Hall, and F.T. Fehrenkamp served as President along with Rudy Jaeggli as Vice President.

Banking looked a bit different back in 1920:

  • Banks offered installment loans, mortgages, and loans to stock market speculators on 90 percent margins.
  • Printing tabulators were introduced, which not only improved speed and accuracy of balancing vault balances, but set the stage for future technology.
  • There were no insider-trading laws

100 years later, the SouthStar Bank headquarters remains in Moulton, TX.

Mark your calendar and join us to celebrate this historical milestone on October 21!

100 S. Main St. Moulton, TX | 5-7pm

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